Saturday, 4 December 2010

Captain, Your Ship Is Sinking/Mio - "Split"

Moment of Collapse, Adagio 830, Lala, Time as a Colour, Built on Friendship

I might as well say it now. So long as Captain, Your Ship Is Sinking don’t drastically change what they’re doing and start doing pop punk or something, I’m probably going to kiss their arses in each review I do of them. They won’t overshadow Mio in this review, but you know what to expect.

As Side A is indeed CYSIS, I started at the start. And the first track is the first song I heard by them; “Godspeed to You, Pola Negri.” After a short drum fill, the song plays one of the most dreamy, uplifting intros that anyone has recorded. As per, the rest of the song follows with brilliantly woven, almost folk-like melody and endless atmosphere. For me this track is the band’s essence. No particular section defines the song; the song itself defines the song. It’s a much more vertical listening experience than horizontal, and the song never needs to arrive at a certain destination; the song is the destination, basically how life itself should be viewed in itself.

Their second track, the epically titled “Son, You Sure You Know What You Are Going to Dig Up When You Open That Grave?” is far more drawn-out and laid back. While the first track passed six minutes itself, this second track feels more introverted and paced-down. A cool track nonetheless.

Flip over to Side B and Mio present us with their two tracks. Each track is smothered with uniquely-crafted melody; rhythmically quite unique, and I like that. The one noticeable thing about Mio is their relaxed inclusion of vocals, which are quite sporadically placed throughout each song. And while they craft melodies and riffs very well, sections are very sharply juxtaposed. Which would be great in a more Orchid-style band, but given they are the more drawn-out, atmosphere-over-chaos type of band, that style of song writing could do with being worked on. As could how the vocals are fitted into the track. But Mio are nevertheless enjoyable, and by no means amateurish, with second track “Ungenuegend” being my personal favourite of the two.

CYSIS stole the show. But neither band affects the other negatively. A good record and a sound investment. Gooood stuff.

CYSIS: 8.5/10
Mio: 6.5/10

Overall: 7.5/10

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